Thursday, December 23, 2021

Day 37 - Copper

Out 9:00 to 11:00 with Team Summit Masters; cloudy with intermittant snow and a variably stong winds, temps in the twenties; 7 runs; 8,759 vertical; skied the 2015 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; groomers; big crowd - left as soon as we were done; worked on building pressure into the apex but only after the edge change, then absorbing the rebound through to the end of the turn while staying balanced directly over your feet; even with snow forecast for the next two days, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm skipping Friday and skiing on Sat instead - I don't think there will be near as many people out Christmas morning.


1 comment :

  1. Merry Christmas! Hope you get lots of runs with no one around today. Was wondering where you were spending Christmas. No snow here and areas barely open.
