Friday, April 26, 2019

Day 119 - Killington

5 runs; 5,995 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Day 118 - Killington

Out 9:00 to 12:30 with coffee in KBL; 14 runs; 17,250 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's;


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Day 117 - Killington

Out till it rained with Chris. Out 8:00 to noon with a coffee break in KBL; cloudy, windy and rainy; 18 runs; 21,950 vertical;


Friday, April 19, 2019

Day 116 - Killington

Out 9:00 to 1:15 with a break in the Peak Lodge; cloudy and warm with temps in the sixties and some wind; 19 runs; 23,200 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; glacial ice, corn or snirt; good sized crowd; skied with Chris; Supe and Ovation were the only things worth skiing.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day 115 - Killington

Mostly cloudy with temps around fifty and some wind; 12 runs; 14,800 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; Superstar Pod only today - wind hold on everything else.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Day 114 - Killington

Too crowded to stay too long. Out 9:45 to 11:15; sunny with temps in the forties and little to no wind; 9 runs 11,000 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; chunks and mush most of the places they groomed; huge crowd - everybody's concentrated back on just four lifts.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Day 113 - Killington

Only out for an hour and a half this afternoon after I severely underdressed; 2" overnight - cloudy and windy today with temps around forty; 6 runs; 7,500 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; last night's snow helped; still sick - I'm fine at home but as soon as I start skiing and exerting any effort I start coughing again.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Day 112 - Killington

Out 2:30 to 4:00; 2" of rain last night; rain changing to snow this afternoon; 9 runs; 11,533 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; various forms of slush, mud, moonscape, dirt, debris and running water.


Friday, April 12, 2019

Day 111 - Killington

Although I was feeling poorly yesterday, today I was really sick. Out 11:45 to 1:30, no break; overcast and windy with temps in the 30's; 8 runs, 11,172 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; without a freeze overnight things were very heavy today - it wasn't really that wet, so I'm thinking that being sick I just didn't have my usual pep to power through it; Double Dipper and Downdraft were both good.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day 110 - Killington

Out 9:00 to 2:45 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; sunny and mild with a little wind - temps in the thirties; 28 runs; 35,092 vertical; anything steep was nice and firm - all the others were nice early, then a little heavy; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; a few more people out today; lots of good stuff today - Skyefire, Needles, Downdraft, Double Dipper; rare event today - all 4 in the Canyon groomed and the Quad running.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Day 109 - Killington

Out 9:00 to 2:45 with coffee in KBL and lunch in the Peak Lodge; yesterday's rain ended as 2" of snow; overcast with temps just below freezing and a little wind; 22 runs; 28,167 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; firm groomers and some nice dust on crust, especially up high; very few other people out today; Rime was very good; North Ridge Triple disassemble well under way.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Day 108 - Killington

Out 11:00 to 3:00 with lunch at KBL; temps in the thirties with lots of fog; 15 runs; 23,000 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; groomed slush or frozen sleet; nobody else out; Downdraft was very, very good; the Pump Track on the run-in to Dreamaker was closed after some tourist unknowingly skied off the edge in the fog into the halfpipe and hurt themselves.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Day 107 - Killington

Officially a member of The 100 Club. Out 8:00 to 3:15 with lunch at the condo; diminishing overcast and warm with temps in the fifties and little to no wind; 30 runs; 35,604 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft, wet, sticky snow on anything flat - shaved ice on anything steep; big crowd to my eye, but probably just a normal April weekend crowd for the unspoiled; skiing with David again for a couple of days; Ovation, Double Dipper, and Downdraft were all really good today; a very sad day today - it was the last day of the season for the Sunrise Triple, so I no longer have ski-in/ski-out access.


Friday, April 5, 2019

Day 106 - Killington

And so ends 19 straight days. Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; 20° overnight - increasing overcast and 'cold' all day with temps never getting much above freezing - very light winds; 26 runs; 36,176 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm groomers; just the right amount of people - enough to keep the place open, but too few to create a lift line; Upper Bunny Buster was very good; ducked the rope and skied Lower Ovation this afternoon; 3 day vertical total: 110,400 - 5 day vertical total: 185,364 - 7 day vertical total: 222,025 - 14 day vertical total: 398,505 - 19 day vertical total: 509,619; ok, this is an actual run down Skye to Bear: Stash Way-Gateway-Bear Trax-Snowshed Crossover-Shorty-Bear Claw-Skyeburst-Dreamaker.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Day 105 - Killington

Another big day. Out 9:00 to 3:45 with lunch at the condo; cold overnight and clear, cold and windy today - temps never made out of the twenties; 31 runs; 41,392 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm groomers mainly - a little corn on Bear - some chunks elsewhere; a few people out today; Skyeburst/Grizzly was divine before lunch; SPE4 broke down this afternoon, so I was finally forced to ski something other than Bear; so I get to Needles and the Quad is running, but Panic Button/Needles Eye was closed?


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Day 104 - Killington

Out 9:15 to 3:15 with lunch at the condo; cold enough over night to firm things up nicely - mid-thirties today, clear and cold this morning, windy and cloudy with a snow flurry this afternoon; 23 runs, 32,832 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; smooth groomers softening all day; very few people out; Pump Track on the way to Grizzly and skier's right on Bear Claw from the SPE4.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Day 103 - Killington

Big day. Out 9:00 to 4:00 with lunch at the condo; overnight temps in the teens slowly rose into the thirties this afternoon - sunny and a little windy; 30 runs; 42,926 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm AM conditions gave way to soft spring corn by the afternoon; very few people out;


Monday, April 1, 2019

Day 102 - Killington

Out 10:00 to 4:00 with lunch at the condo; 2" overnight - cold and windy today with clearing skies - temps in the twenties; 22 runs; 32,088 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; to give the snow a chance to dry out they groomed very late this morning - that and the new snow had things looking and skiing pretty well today; not many people out; despite the cold temps overnight nothing really froze solid - but things did continue to firm all day; got to do OL 3 more times; a little late to the hill this morning when Sunrise and the south side of Bear were closed till 9:30 for on-going grooming; looking up and down OL.
