Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Day 23 - Stowe

6" overnight; this isn't GP and I just wasn't up to it; had to quit after 5 runs - Hayride, Nosedive (non-stop), Liftline, National, Starr.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Day 22 - Greek Peak

Another really nice day; cold with several heavy snow squalls, but not too windy; very few people for a major skiing holiday; my GS skis made all today's groomers feel like soft pack; skied all the snowmaking trails today except Alpha, Karyatis and Meadows.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Day 21 - Greek Peak

Good day on the hill; big crowd by mid-day but Chair 4 and an early lunch in the bar allowed me to miss most of the pain; Alchmene was suprisingly good; Hercules was open for the first time this year too.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Day 20 - Bristol Mountain

The similarities between Blue and Bristol are considerable; my GS skis were the perfect choice today; even the steep groomers didn't really get too scraped off despite a fairly large crowd; skied for more than 4 hours.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Day 19 - Blue Mountain

A nice morning on the hill with Uncle Bob.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Day 18 - Greek Peak

Flurries with a quick, heavy snow squall and temps right at 30°; Chair 1 today - snowmaking and grooming underway on Alchmene under the main chair; plenty of people but no lift lines; Odyssey and Zeus both ungroomed but skiable with the appropriate attitude; Odyssey was in perfect racing condition - firm and ripply; legs are tired after skiing on hard snow all day.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Day 17 - Greek Peak

A little snow overnight and this morning helped things alot; very windy; first day this season on GS skis - it took a little while but I finally got comfortable with them; any ungroomed, new snow was extremely sticky - had to conserve speed to even make it down Castor this morning; Illiad was good.
