Out 8:45 to 12:15 with a quick pee break back at the car; clear, cold and windy, 15° in the parking lot this AM; 27 runs; 18,036 verical; skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; groomers with a nice, even, thin coating of snowmaking on the steeps; decent crowd, but no real lift lines; skied the first hour and a half with David Wadas; skied ok; the snowmaking on Boomer was dreamy - they did a nice groom job, then put the fan guns on oscillate; snowmaking on Lightning was good too, they just didn't groom first.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Day 59 - Montage
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Day 58 - Montage
Beer League Week #8 - Finals. Out 4:00 to 6:15 with a quick break back at the car to change skis; cloudy and windy with temps around thirty; 12 runs; 7,458 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Atomic Redster G9 RS's; frozen groomers; not much of a crowd other than all the racers; skied okay; our team (The Ski Shack) took 1st place for the season, I ended up in 7th overall for the season.
8 91 MARTIN BURNS 26.80 (7) 26.60 (8) - 53.40 (8)
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Day 57 - Montage
40,000 at the 'Tage! Out 8:50 to 6:15 with a couple of ½ hour breaks in the car; clear, cold and windy to start, then a nice afternoon as the wind died and temps rose into the mid-twenties; 61 runs; 40,358 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's, the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Noridca Enforcer 88's; frozen groomers or snowmaking; standard mid-week, Montage crowd - nobody till 11:00, then a few people till about 2:30, then nobody again till after 5:00 - never a lift line; snowmaking on Smoke - nice early, very wet later on; White Lightning was a firm, crunchy groomer - fantastic on some of my GS skis, so I did it 49 times... I kid you not; took my 3rd fall of the season on Smoke very late in the day.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Day 56 - Montage
Lazy 9:30 start trying to wait out the rain, out till 2:45 with lunch in the car; overnight rain ended by 10:30, then temps falling into the mid-thirties as the wind picked up and the cloud cover lifted; very nice early - groomers and soft leftovers with no traffic; it got mushy in the afternoon as traffic picked up; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; 36 runs; 23,914 vertical; me and one other lady until the rain stopped, then pretty normal Monday crowd albeit a little late arriving; skied okay; Smoke early was really good - groomed top and bottom and the pitch of soft, relatively smooth leftovers; as the day wore on and things got mushier, the pitch on White Lightning really came into it's own - cornilicious.