Only out for a couple of runs before running some errands; 2" more overnight - blowing snow with temps in the teens; 2 runs; 4,019 vertical; skied the K2 Mindbender 108 Ti's; big crowd; these skis are too GS'y to use in low visibility or in tight terrain - I've got to quit buying this kind of ski; hi mom.
#justgivemeagroomerFriday, December 31, 2021
Day 42 - Copper
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Day 41 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 12:30 with a quick lunch break at JJ's; 2" overnight - cold and snowy with a little wind, temps in the teens; 9 runs; 15,171 verical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; big crowd - moderate lift lines at times, other times it was get right on; made a couple of runs with Isadora after lunch; iced goggles today or I would not have gone inside; county wide mask mandate in all indoor settings effective today - I hope we make it through the season.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Day 40 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 12:00 with a warm-up the hands break in Solitude Station; a little more snow overnight, probably just shy of 2" - overcast, cold and windy with intermittant light snow and temps in the teens; 7 runs; 13,194 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; packed powder and snowy bumps; good crowd, but only moderate lift lines at Super Bee; 2nd day in a row where my hands got cold immediately, but were fine after I went in and warmed up; feeling much better today.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Day 39 - Copper
out 9:00 to 12:00 with a get dry, coffee break at Solitude Station; 5" more overnight - overcast and cold with a little wind and snow up high, temps in the teens; 8 runs; 12,869 vertical; skied the K2 Mindbender 108 Ti's; powder and packed powder; big crowd, but the lift lines weren't actually too bad - plenty of lifts up high open now to draw people away from the 3 base areas; skied all sorts of steeps, bumps and trees - here's the list of today's black diamonds: Triple Treat, Formidable, CDL 20, Mine Dump, Slip Not, 17 Glade; felt a little better on the new skis today; still a little sick.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Day 38 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 10:45; 4" more overnight - cold, cloudy and windy today with temps in the teens; 5 runs; 8,004 vertical; skied my new K2 Mindbender 108 Ti's; powder and packed powder; big crowd; Alpine was open so I skied Triple Treat and worked up a hell of a sweat; couldn't get the feel for the new skis today, maybe having the totally wrong wax had something to do with it - they're really GS'y for such a light ski; left early after I got damp and started to feel a little sick - coughing and chest congestion; I-70 closed in both directions when I tried to leave, east-bound to Frisco opened after about 45 minutes.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Day 37 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 11:00 with Team Summit Masters; cloudy with intermittant snow and a variably stong winds, temps in the twenties; 7 runs; 8,759 vertical; skied the 2015 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; groomers; big crowd - left as soon as we were done; worked on building pressure into the apex but only after the edge change, then absorbing the rebound through to the end of the turn while staying balanced directly over your feet; even with snow forecast for the next two days, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm skipping Friday and skiing on Sat instead - I don't think there will be near as many people out Christmas morning.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Day 36 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 11:30 with Team Summit Masters; clear and cold with little to no wind and temps rising into the mid-twenties; 6 runs; 12,211 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers; big crowd, left as soon as we were done; worked on long leg, short leg.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Day 35 - Copper
Out 9:00 to a little after 11:00; clear and cold with no wind, temps rising toward 20°; 13 runs; 17,884 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers with a little overhead snowmaking; large, quick arriving crowd - I left as soon as Super B was backed up into the maze; Andy's to Oh No to Rosi's was excellent down to Light's Out; Ptarmigan had the guns running with at least a few hours of last night's snowmaking groomed in perfectly - they even covered the dirt spot they dug up there yesterday with the groomer; Windsong was marvelous again; I still really like these skis.
Monday, December 20, 2021
Day 34 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 11:30 with no break; clear and cold with virtually no wind, single digits to start around twenty when I left, 13 run; 19,651 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; groomers mostly, a little snowmaking on the side of Vein Glory; tons of people; skied slowly all morning; skipped skiing on Friday to go get my COVID booster; speaking of the pandemic, with the Omicron variant spreading fast I've reinstituted last year's protocol of not using the lodges or gondolas.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Day 33 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with lunch at JJ's; 2" overnight - partly cloudy, cold and windy with temps in the single digits to start, rising to the mid-twenties in the afternoon; 19 runs, 37,112 vertical; groomers with just enough snow to fill the ridges and then some - sweet, again; lots of people today - small lift line all day on Super B; Team Summit Masters Freeski - skiing fast with aggression - prep for Isadora who is racing a FIS GS at Vail on Monday; first shot at untracked on Andy's to Ore Deal again today - groomers don't get better than that.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Day 32 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with lunch at JJ's; 4" overnight, snow and blowing snow today with temps in the teens and strong winds - several different wind holds today; 14 runs; 26,314 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantra M5's; powder and packed powder; given the snow, not very many people at all; first shot down Andy's to Ore Deal on 4" of untracked snow on top of last night's grooming - sweet; plenty of bumps this morning too - Collage and two untracked on Hallelujah; Team Summit Masters Freeski this afternoon - worked on maximum forward bend in the ankle at the top of the turn, think lightning bolt body position; I enjoyed skiing with Matt and Isadora.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Day 31 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 1:30 with lunch at JJ's; partly cloudy and warm with strong winds, 37° in the parking lot this AM, mid-forties by the time I left; 17 runs; 38,981 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's and the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; fairly light crowd - no liftlines at all; you have to ski the fronts of the SG skis, just like everything else.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Day 30 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; clear and sunny with a little wind up high, 11° this morning, mid-thirties this afternoon; 26 runs, 52,383 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster G9 RS Revoshocks; groomers; plenty of people, but plenty of lifts and terrain open too so never any liftlines to speak of; probably the most vertical I've ever skied in 1 day.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Day 29 - Copper
Today marks 1,000 ski days in retirement. Out 9:00 to 12:00 with a warm up break in Solitude Station; 5" overnight - snowy, cold and windy today with temps in the low teens; 8 runs, 11,784 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; powder and packed powder; huge crowd; Team Summit Masters Freeski - worked on absorbing and extending by linking long turns in the moguls; with all the new snow and mogul runs this week I got very tired again today; dinged my skis pretty good.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Day 28 - Copper
First real powder day of the year. Out 9:00 to 1:00 with coffee in Solitude Station; 6" overnight; overcast with intermittent snow showers, but very little wind - temps in the twenties; 12 runs, 25,206 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; powder and packed powder; quite a few people out, but the only real liftlines were at Excelerator; 4th or 5th person down Mine Dump - fresh snow in bumps, nice; also did CDL #20 and Hallelujah, both all bumps; with the deep snow and some mogul runs today my legs got tired pretty quick; Speed Center teardown in progress; starting to feel a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in the right knee.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Day 27 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 1:30 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; clear and cold to start with a quickly increasing clouds - completely overcast when I left - temps in the teens to start and twenties when I left; 26 runs; 39,189 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster G9 RS Revoshocks' groomers; lots of people but no lines;
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Day 26 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 2:00 with a coffee break at Solitude Station; 4" new snow overnight - cloudy, cold and blustery with intermittent snow flurries and temps in the twenties; 14 runs; 32,102 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; a couple inches of fresh on last nights groomers; plenty of people, but never a line at Super Bee; SL on Oredeal for Petra today; Ptarmigan first run was silky smooth; I'm skiing pretty well; Ski Tracks is really starting to piss me off - I've had 4 or 5 days now where the GPS recording gets paused and I've missed huge portions of the day.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Day 25 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 1:45 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; overcast and colder and a growing breeze from the SW and snow in the forcast - temps rising toward freezing; 16 runs; 28,687 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers; not many people - no lift lines anywhere today; more Petra today - I got video of this morning's GS, but my phone battery died this afternoon and I missed recording 2 runs off the top of the Speed Track - they took down the B-net on Copperopolis so we could actually see her all the way from the start, across the top flat, down the first pitch and off the big jump at the top; Storm King T-Bar today - had to dodge lots of rocks up there, very little snow; Toyota U.S. Grand Prix practice started today - tons of extremely fast snowboarders on Main Vein on their way to the half pipe today; Dew Tour next weekend so I'm still shutout at the Flyer lot.
Friday, December 3, 2021
Day 24 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; sunny, warm and still again - just like every other day this week; 14 runs; 29,737 vertical; skied a borrowed pair of 3 year old Atomic Redster S9 FIS's and the Atomic Redster G9 RS's; huge crowd, but just like yesterday nobody riding Super Bee; first day of Team Summit Masters - I wasn't afforded the luxury of being included on the mailing list so I brought GS skis, hence the need to borrow some SL's; I expect that today was the last of my opportunities to watch Petra Vhlova - I doubt she'll be here when I return next week; 5.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Day 23 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 1:45 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; sunny, warm and still - again; below freezing overnight, but it warmed up to lower fifties today; 19 runs; 39,226 vertical; skied the Blizzard Bonafides; groomers; lots of people but nobody was using Super Bee, I walked right on all day?; a Petra GS/SG doubleheader today; shutout at the Flyer Lot this morning - closed because of the Dew Tour; preping these skis last night I notice a couple of gouges from their day 1 at Breck; passed 500,000 today.
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Day 22 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 1:30 with a coffee break in Solitude Station; sunny, warm and still - temps in the mid-twenties this morning, near fifty when I left; 18 runs, 36,264 vertical; skied the brand new Atomic G9 Revoshocks; groomers; lots of people, but no lift lines; the new skis worked well - stable and quiet; Women's SG NorAm's on the Speed Center Track with Vhlova training GS on West Encore again; scared myself with a high speed bobble on Main Vein; primo parking spot this morning.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Day 21 - Copper
Out 9:00 to 2:00 with a coffee break at Solitude Station; sunny and warm with no wind, 20° in the parking lot this AM and 43° when I left; 25 runs; 43,602 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers; not much of a crowd; Men's NorAm SG today on the Speed Center track; great views from the chair of World Cuppers training GS on West Encore included Petra Vhlova and Lucas Braathen.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Day 20 - Copper
Well that was alot better. Out 9:00 to 12:15 with no break; sunny with temps in the thirties and no wind; 14 runs; 26,921 vertical; skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; groomers; busy, but no lift lines; skied a little better today; Super Bee stopped for >15 minutes, so I rode the bus back to Center Village and left; this place is still one of the most sceanic resorts around; so glad the holiday crowd is gone - last week was way worse than I was expecting; passed 400,000.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Day 19 - Copper
Happy Thanksgiving! Only out 9:00 to 10:45; clear and cold with no wind, -1° this morning in the parking lot 14° when I left; 7 runs; 12,815 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; firm groomers; huge crowd again; skied horribly today; 10.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Day 18 - Breckenridge
Only out 8:30 to 10:00; 4" overnight - relatively calm and snowing hard this morning with temps in the twenties - maybe another 1" fell while I was out; 5 runs; 6,514 vertical; skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; a tiny bit of untracked powder, but mainly lots of loose snow over the grooming - very few slick spots; pretty big crowd right from the get go at 8:30 and it only increased from there - I left as soon as the main chutes for both lifts were full (maybe a 4 or 5 minute wait); the Rocky Mountain Quad was open with 2 new runs: Duke's and Northstar; I overdressed causing me to sweat into my goggles making me effectively blind all morning except first run.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Day 17 - Keystone
Out 8:45 to 11:00; clear and cool with little to no wind and temps rising toward freezing; 7 runs; 14,217 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; super firm groomers; big crowd - I left when the line at the Summit Quad grew to more than a minute or two; when I left at 11:00 the line for lift tickets at River Run went out the maze, up the sidewalk and all the way across the foot bridge; didn't ski particularly well today.
Peak 1 from the end of my driveway#justgivemeagroomer
Monday, November 22, 2021
Day 16 - Copper
Well that was a bust. Huge crowd for Copper's Opening Day, so I did 1 run and left. Out 9:00 to 9:30; clear and cool; 1 run; 1,482 vertical; typical first day, uneven grooming; huge crowd; snowmaking in progress for the Dew Tour.
#justgivemeagroomerFriday, November 19, 2021
Day 15 - Breckenridge
Out 8:30 to 2:00 with a quick coffee break in the Vista Haus; sunny with a little wind to start, then around noon the wind picked up and the clouds blew in; 26 runs; 33,836 vertical; real nice groom job overnight; skied the brand spanking new Blizzard Bonafides; not too many people, only a lift line when the lift stopped; a couple of impressive switch skiers out this morning, one was a young girl carving with pop switch at 35+ mph - impressive; an even bigger group of Ski Patrol today practicing lift evac and rescue; the new skis worked great - rock solid hold - plenty of pop - predictable and well behaved - at 183cm a little short for pure carving, but should be plenty manuverable off piste.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Day 14 - Breckenridge
Out 8:30 to 2:15 with a ½ hour coffee break in the Vista Haus; brilliant sunshine with temps in the teens to start then rising into the thirties - some wind later in the day; 24 runs; 29,958 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; much firmer today; fairly large crowd; 20+ Ski Patrol out today - toboggen training slowed the lift all day; passed 300,000; 15.
Peak 6 and the top of the Kensho lift#justgivemeagroomer
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Day 13 - Breckenridge
Out 8:15 to 2:15 with a ½ hour coffee break; 4" overnight - a cloudy and windy start cleared nicely with plenty of afternoon sunshine and temps rising through the twenties; 23 runs; 30,475 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; they left 4 O'clock ungroomed, but a groomed Springmeier was the choice today; some people, but only a liftline when the chair stopped; first avalanche bombs of the season - first slide too; these skis are fantastic; the old man would have loved today.
Peak 8 and the tops of the T-bar and Imperial Bald Mountain shrouded in clouds Keystone and the Contentiental Divide beyond #justgivemeagroomerTuesday, November 16, 2021
Day 12 - Keystone
out 9:00 to a little after 1:00 with no break; warm with temps in the forties and lots of hazy sunshine and wind; 16 runs; 31,764 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; groomed that quickly softened with a few icey patches thrown-in for good luck; pretty light crowd; 5th persn up Montezuma this morning; massive headwind across the top flat made things a little slower today; left my mask in the car, so I couldn't go in for lunch as I was planning or I might have got my first 40,000+ day of the year.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Day 11 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 2:15 with a ½ hour lunch at the Summit Haus; sunny and warm with a little bit of wind later in the day and temps rising toward 50°; 19 runs; 34,853 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; groomers; some people, but no lift lines; getting the routine down - walked up and loaded the Summit 4 at the very end of the 9:00 Rush this morning; 10th person up Montezuma this morning; first time I've been in the lodge this season; skiing okay; feeling okay; passed 200,000 today.
Friday, November 12, 2021
Day 10 - Keystone
Out 7:30 to 10:30 with no break; 2" overnight - cloudy and very windy today with temps in the twenties; 11 runs; 20,249 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's; groomers; light crowd at the early start for Fresh Tracks at Keystone, but a real big crowd at 10:30 at the Summit Quad when the Gondi shut down for wind, so I left; Vail and Breck opened today, but it didn't seem to help with the crowd here much; looking forward to Breck next week.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Day 9 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 11:15; 4" overnight, cold and blustery today with a little bit of snow and temps in the twenties; 7 runs; 14,229 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's; soft to start, but scraped to shit after only about an hour; Veteran's Day crowd - tons of people and I mean a lot, a whole lot; these are really nice skis; 20.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Day 8 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 1:00 with no breaks; maybe an inch of snow overnight - mostly cloudy and windy with a stray flurry or two today with temps in the twenties; 16 runs, 30,504 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; groomed, but much softer than yesterday - not sure but they may have made a little snow on the open trail overnigh; fairly light crowd - never a real lift line; those skis needed waxed badly.
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Day 7 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 1:00 with no breaks again today; warm and sunny with a high overcast building all day - they were turning off the last of the snowmaking on my first ride up the chair; 18 runs, 31,176 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; 3f again; not near as many people as yesterday - other than opening bell never a lift line of more that 10 people; skiing okay; feeling okay; rode the Montezuma 6 with new friend Mike again today; got bored and rode the magic carpet and chair on the Bunny Slope; passed 100,000 today.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Day 6 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 1:00 no breaks; warm and sunny with increasing wind and overcast - temps through the thirties; 14 runs; 31,606 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; 3f; lots of people - small line a couple of times; top to bottom today - 2.8 miles in about 6 ½ minutes; skiing okay.
Friday, November 5, 2021
Day 5 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 11:30; clear, calm and sunny with temps in the mid-thirties; 9 runs; 15,003 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; conditions starting to firm to East Coast standards - totally 3f; big crowd; didn't like the Fischers near as well as the Brahmas on virtually identical conditions; found out today that they open at 8:30 on Friday's; I packed the suncreen in my boot bag back at home, when I opened the lid in the parking lot this AM it very quickly oozed out about 10% of the bottle.
Breck from Keystone#justgivemeagroomer
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Day 4 - Keystone
Out 9:00 to 11:15; clear and sunny with temps rising past freezing and little to no wind; 9 runs; 15,003 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; mid-winter, 3F; lots of people out, but never much of a lift line; lapped the Montezuma 6 with new friend Mike; the countdown is on - 25.
Peaks 1 thru 4 - I'm somewhere below that narrow avalache chute on the far right
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Day 3 - Keystone
Out 9:15 to 10:30; a dusting of snow overnight, cloudy today with temps just below freezing and virtually no wind; 5 runs; 8,254 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; the one open trail was groomed flat and it was a bit firmer than yesterday, but not icy at all; big crowd today right from the get go - that's why I left so early.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Day 2 - Keystone
Well, I finally made it out for day 2. I was supposed to go back to Big Snow in September, but they had a fire and are closed till at least the new year. Then after a looooong drive out here over the weekend, I overslept and didn't have enough time to go out yesterday. So anyway, on to today's report:
On the hill 9:15 to 11:00; 3" of snow overnight with flurries today and temps around freezing with the tinyest bit of wind; 6 runs; 10,002 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; last night's snow was groomed in just before opening, so conditions were nice and soft and smooth; good cover on the one slope that was open - even after things got skied in, I never saw a rock; a pretty good crowd by the time I left, but never a lift line; started out a little slowly - most everybody passing me - and built up to a respectable pace by the time I left; left my phone in the car, so no Ski Tracks;
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Day 1 - Big Snow
Met Uncle Bob on site for my earliest start to a ski season ever. On the "hill" for first chair, albeit at 1:00 PM; skied for about 90 minutes; Skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; the snow sucked, I was cold and I brought totally the wrong skis - but I'm still coming back in a couple of weeks.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021
Day 60 - Killington
Weekend trip with Radvanyi. Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch at the car; sunny and warm; 20 runs; 22,207 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's;
Friday, March 5, 2021
Day 59 - Montage
Out 8:45 to 12:15 with a quick pee break back at the car; clear, cold and windy, 15° in the parking lot this AM; 27 runs; 18,036 verical; skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; groomers with a nice, even, thin coating of snowmaking on the steeps; decent crowd, but no real lift lines; skied the first hour and a half with David Wadas; skied ok; the snowmaking on Boomer was dreamy - they did a nice groom job, then put the fan guns on oscillate; snowmaking on Lightning was good too, they just didn't groom first.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Day 58 - Montage
Beer League Week #8 - Finals. Out 4:00 to 6:15 with a quick break back at the car to change skis; cloudy and windy with temps around thirty; 12 runs; 7,458 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Atomic Redster G9 RS's; frozen groomers; not much of a crowd other than all the racers; skied okay; our team (The Ski Shack) took 1st place for the season, I ended up in 7th overall for the season.
8 91 MARTIN BURNS 26.80 (7) 26.60 (8) - 53.40 (8)
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Day 57 - Montage
40,000 at the 'Tage! Out 8:50 to 6:15 with a couple of ½ hour breaks in the car; clear, cold and windy to start, then a nice afternoon as the wind died and temps rose into the mid-twenties; 61 runs; 40,358 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's, the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Noridca Enforcer 88's; frozen groomers or snowmaking; standard mid-week, Montage crowd - nobody till 11:00, then a few people till about 2:30, then nobody again till after 5:00 - never a lift line; snowmaking on Smoke - nice early, very wet later on; White Lightning was a firm, crunchy groomer - fantastic on some of my GS skis, so I did it 49 times... I kid you not; took my 3rd fall of the season on Smoke very late in the day.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Day 56 - Montage
Lazy 9:30 start trying to wait out the rain, out till 2:45 with lunch in the car; overnight rain ended by 10:30, then temps falling into the mid-thirties as the wind picked up and the cloud cover lifted; very nice early - groomers and soft leftovers with no traffic; it got mushy in the afternoon as traffic picked up; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; 36 runs; 23,914 vertical; me and one other lady until the rain stopped, then pretty normal Monday crowd albeit a little late arriving; skied okay; Smoke early was really good - groomed top and bottom and the pitch of soft, relatively smooth leftovers; as the day wore on and things got mushier, the pitch on White Lightning really came into it's own - cornilicious.
#justgivemeagroomerSaturday, February 27, 2021
Day 55 - Montage
Out 8:30 to 11:00, no break; < 1" of wet snow overnight ended as an hour of drizzle and mist this morning; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; 17 runs; 11,111 vertical; soft groomers; left as soon as there was even the hint of a crowd; poached the Ski Team's GS on Smoke twice and the NASTAR course once; skied okay.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Day 54 - Montage
out 9:00 to 2:00, no break; sunny and warm with a high overcast by the afternoon; 34 runs; 23,624 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; groomers; parking lot was crowded, but with Long Haul running there was never even a hint of a line; Smoke was very, very good; skied okay.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Day 53 - Montage
Beer League Week 7. Out 3:00 to 6:00 with a quick break at the car to change skis; clear, warm and windy - temps falling into the mid-thirties; 11 runs; 6,541 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; frozen groomers in North Face - mushy groomers up top; not too many people; didn't ski particularly well, but didn't ski horribly either.
8 91 MARTIN BURNS 28.58 (10) 27.70 (7) 56.28 (8)
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Day 52 - Kite Hill
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Day 51 - Montage
out 9:00 to 12:15, no break; overcast with temps right at freezing - snow showers left a thick coating of sticky, wet snow; 23 runs; 15,692 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's and the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; groomers; not much of a crowd - no lift line at all; skied with David W. till about 11:00, then finished off by myself; skied okay; Boomer excellent again - Smoke excellent as well; the Fischers skied very well the past two days.
Monday, February 22, 2021
Day 50 - Montage
Out 9:00 to 2:45 with a long lunch break in the car; snow all day - first flakes at 9:00 with snow starting in earnest at 10:00 and then letting up significantly by 1:00 - 3"+ total; 33 runs; 22,503 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's and the Nordica Enforcer 88's; groomers with new snow; pretty busy for a Monday, but no lift lines; Boomer was exceptional today - groomed perfection kept soft with the new falling snow; didn't ski particularly well.
Friday, February 19, 2021
Day 49 - Kite Hill
Earn your turns Day 2. After a more or less failed attempt at skiing at my house after the 2+ foot snowstorm in December, I thought I'd try it again in a little more favorable set of conditions - 4" of new snow on top of an old layer of firm snow covering the entire field. I made two runs on my Volkl Katanas. I forgot my phone so instead of Ski Tracks I used Google Earth to determine each run of 75 vertical feet was about 875 feet long. I didn't want to have a heart attack so I stopped after just two runs.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Day 48 - Montage
Beer League Race #6. Out 3:15 to 6:30 with a quick break in the car to change skis; snowing with temps in the low twenties - 3" so far today; 14 runs; 8,275 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Atomic Redster G9 RS's; groomers with some small piles of new snow; pretty good crowd, but with Long Haul running, no real lift lines anywhere; skied horribly again... ... ...; 6-7m offset on such a flat hill sucks regards of distance; 20.51 hcp - Gold.
7 91 MARTIN BURNS 29.97 (8) 29.56 (8) - 59.53 (7)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Day 47 - Montage
So ends our streak of winter weather. Out 8:45 to 2:30 with a ½ hour lunch break in the car; lots of rain overnight, intermittent fog today with a heavy overcast and temps in upper thirties; 35 runs; 23,642 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; super soft, rain soaked leftovers and some mushy groomers on the upper mountain - actually pretty nice; absolutely nobody else out till well after noon; skied till about 10:00 with Dave Wadas; lots of runs skied very well: skier's left on Boomer, all the groomers up top and the soft bumps on Lightning; had a nice day.
Monday, February 15, 2021
Day 46 - Montage
Mental health day after a terrible weekend of racing in NY. Out 9:15 to 3:15 with an looooooong lunch in the car watching Shiff win the Alpine Combined World Championship Gold; freezing rain with temps in the low twenties on the drive in, then a little on and off freezing rain during the day; 29 runs; 20,157 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; groomers; skied a few runs early with David and Joe - by the time I arrvied they already looked like glazed donuts; skied okay.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Day 45 - West Mountain
Mid-Atlantic Master SL. Out 8:30 to 11:00 with a quick warm up break in the car before my only race run; coating of snow overnight with cloudy skies and temps in the twenties; 6 runs, 5,112 vertical; skied both pair of Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; groomers; holiday crowd; skied horribly again; DNF'ed first run and just left.
- 51 Burns, Martin M7 DNF DNS -
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Day 44 - West Mountain
Mid-Atlantic Masters GS. Out 8:30 to 2:00 with a couple of warm up breaks in the car; clear, clod and relatively calm again; +5° today in the parking lot; 11 runs; 12,326 vertical; skied the Atomic REdster D2 3.0 Race GS's and the Atomic Redster G9 RS's; groomers; holiday crowd, but not horrible; what was horrible was my skiing - again.
55 51 Burns, Martin M7 1:22.72 (57) 1:18.78 (56) 2:41.50 (55)
Friday, February 12, 2021
Day 43 - West Mountain
Mid-Atlantic Masters SG Doubleheader. Out 8:30 to 3:00 with a couple of warmup breaks in the car; clear, cold and calm; -5° this morning, probable around 10° today; increasing clouds all day; 11 runs; 12,336 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's; groomers; not much of a crowd; skied horribly.
SG #1: 38 51 Martin Burns M7 1:29:22 (38) SG #2: 38 51 Martin Burns M7 1:28:89 (38)
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Day 42 - Montage
Beer League Race #5. Out 3:45 to 6:15 - just long enough for a few warmup runs and my race runs; temps in the twenties with an intermittent wind; 12 runs; 6,000 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's; not too crowded; didn't ski particularly well;
7 91 MARTIN BURNS 27.66 (8) 27.79 (7) - 55.45 (7)
#justgivemeagroomerTuesday, February 9, 2021
Day 41 - Montage
Out 8:45 to 2:30 with a ¾ hour lunch break in the car; more snow with temps in the twenties - 3" total, 2" fell this morning after opening; 27 runs; 18,938 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; new snow on soft groomers - very nice; not many people out; skied untracked snow all morning; skied the afternoon with Ana searching the side of the runs on the upper mountain looking for freshies; skied okay.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Day 40 - Montage
SG practice - race Friday. Out 9:00 to 2:30 with a ¾ hour lunch break in the car; clear, cold and calm; -5° down by the river at Rummerfield on the drive in this morning, 9° in the parking lot at opening bell and probable 20° or so when I left; groomers; 33 runs; 22,663 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's; light crowd, but I left when it start to build; skied okay; the hill is in excellent shape; several tuck runs down Boomer this morning; forgot my poles, ugh - I went to rent a pair and they just gave me a set.
#justgivemeagroomerSaturday, February 6, 2021
Day 39 - Montage
Mid-Atlantic GS/SL Double Header. Out 8:30 to 4:30 with a quick lunch in the car; sunny and windy with temps in the twenties; 21 runs, 12,339 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's, the Atomic Redster G9 RS's and the 2015 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; huge crowd/long lines; skied horribly in the GS, okay in the SL; 3 women beat me today - both races; 3rd in class in the GS, 2nd in class in the SL.
GS: 29 51 Burns, Martin Tri-State M7 43.69 (28) 43.93 (30) 1:27.62 (29)
SL: 17 51 Burns, Martin Tri-State M7 1:02.97 (19) 1:03.28 (22) 2:06.25 (17)
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Day 38 - Montage
Beer League Race #4. Out 4:00 to 8:30 with a quick stop at the car to change skis after the race; sunny and warm with temps quickly falling into the upper twenties as the sun went down; 19 runs, 10,930 verical; skied the Atomic Redster D2 3.0's, the Atomic Redster G9 RS's and the Nordica Enforcer 88's; soft groomers with the steeps on North Face starting to firm and/or bump; skied okay; could have pulled a really nice result tonight, but I got late and dropped all kinds of time in the bottom half of the Red course and still was only .03 seconds slower than my time in the Blue.
5 91 Martin Burns 27.49 (5)
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Day 37 - Montage
Wow. Out 8:45 to noon without a break; another foot or more of new snow since I quit yesterday at 3:00, more than half of that fell after last night's close at 9:00; still snowing hard with temps in the twenties - another 2" or so this morning; 16 runs, 10,024 vertical; skied the DPS Lotus Alchemist 124's; powder, powder and more powder; crowd didn't start to build till I left at noon; skied ok; dinged the edge of my new skis pretty good on a rock in the trees above the start shack on Switch; freshies all morning; the new pow skis work really well - excellent float, not too heavy despite their size; epic day.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Day 36 - Montage
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with a long lunch in the car; 3" new snow overnight; light snow all day with temps in the twenties - maybe 2" more today; 24 runs; 18,307 vertical; skied the Volkl Katana; powder; not too big of a crowd for a powder day; skied with Radvanyi and Company this afternoon; destroyed my skis - first in the trees beside Lightning, then following Chris in the trees off Fast Track; first tracks on Boomer, Smoke, Lightning Woods, Highball and Main Street; covered the entire trial map today, including some trails (Easy Street) for the first time ever.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Day 35 - Montage
Beautiful day, terrible skiing. Out 9:00 to 12:00; clear and coldish, no wind - temps in the teens; 14 runs, 8,630 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras and the Atomic Redster D2 3.0 Race GS's; excellent conditions - soft groomers and leftover snowmaking; good crowd, but with all the lifts open the only real line was on Iron Horse during NASTAR; leftover snowmaking on Lightning was still marvelous; skied horribly at NASTAR - 21.47 hcp (Gold); okay after looking at the results it wasn't as bad as I thought, only Nicolae Soare and Steve Rheault beat me - I can live with that; today's picture shows the top of Smoke at noon on my way out, still very nice.