Out 9:00 to 4:00 with coffee at the Ski Club and lunch in KBL; sunny to start, but the clouds rolled in around noon - temps rising toward 30°; 34 runs; 44,433 vertical; skied the Nordica Enforcer 88's; soft groomers and yummy snowmaking; tons of people; Lower Ovation under the guns was real good again, so I did 10; today marks ½ the ski season.
#justgivemeagroomer 1,430,793
Friday, January 31, 2020
Day 54 - Killington
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Day 53 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 4:00 with coffee at the Ski Club and lunch in the Peak Lodge; clear and cold with little to no wind - temps rising to around 20°; 36 runs; 42,539 vertical; skied the 'new' Nordica Enforcer 88's; plenty of people, but no real lines; Lower Ovation under the guns was real good - looking forward to a repeat tomorrow; liked today's demos so much that I bought them; in the last 9 ski days, I've skied 11 different skis - I truly do have a problem.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Day 52 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 3:45 with several race breaks and a lunch break at the Ski Club; clear and cold to start, but the sun quickly warmed things up to nearly 20° and it even felt warmer than that for a little while; 25 runs; 27,686 vertical; skied the Atomic Redster G9 RS's and the Blizzard Brahma #2's; groomers and some good snowmaking; not too many people out; if I would have know how badly I'd ski at Ski Bum today, I wouldn't have taken yesterday off; all sorts of lift problems today - stopped on or waited in line before they closed a lift for more than 5 minutes 4 different times today - oddly enough all on different lifts and two of the stops were more than 10 minutes; tons of fixed grip lifts today and today's vertical shows it; the snowmaking on Double Dipper was very, very good, especially the top ⅓ under the long armed tower guns - got to make turns down the steepest pitch along side tons of the slough I kicked off up above.
Race 2 - 24 151 MARTIN BURNS 25.97 (24) SM5 (4)
Monday, January 27, 2020
Day 51 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with a ski change break at the condo and lunch at the bar in Snowshed; 3" new snow overnight - snow, sleet, and freezing fog at various times today - temps right at freezing with relatively little wind; 24 runs, 32,903 vertical, skied my brand new Atomic Redster G9 RS's and the Line Supernatural 108's; powder and packed powder; not too big a crowd given the new snow - rarely had to ride with somebody else; hit another submerged piece of granite today - thank god it was with the Lines;
#justgivemeagroomer 1,316,135
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Day 50 - Killington
Out 8:30 to 12:00 with no break; 3" of snow and mixed precip overnight - temps right around freezing with on and off snow all morning; 14 runs; 12,280 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; good crowd, but never any liftline; Radvanyi and Yatsko skinned up Bear Cub to South Ridge before first chair - I joined them when the lifts finally did open and we rode all the non-scanned lifts at the top of the mountain; had another fall today - dove head-first over a mogul on Pipedream when I checked up to miss a huge bare spot and high-sided; very nice conditions today - the mixed nature of last night's snow made it stick to the existing snowpack really well; Escapade first thing was very nice; Downdraft wasn't bad either; skied horribly this weekend - I'm blaming it on lack of rest.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Day 49 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 12:00 with coffee at Bear; warm and overcast with temps in the thirties a little wind building from the SSW; 20 runs; 23,249 vertical; skied a pair of 174 cm Nordica Spitfire 80 demos; groomers; big crowd; skied till there was even a small lift line in the Canyon; skied with Radvanyi and Yatsko.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Day 48 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 4:00 with a break back at the condo to switch jackets after I broke a zipper and a coffee break at the Ski Club; overcast with temps in the thirties and no wind - skies cleared quickly at 2:30; 34 runs; 39,746 vertical; skied a pair of 182cm Volkl Deacon Lowride 84 demos from Peak Performance; big crowd;
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Day 47 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 4:00 with coffee at the Ski Club and lunch at the condo; sunny and warm with very little wind - temps in the upper thirties; 30 runs; 39,684 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's and the SkiLogic Customs after lunch; good crowd, but little to no lift lines; hit the only rock on Skyeburst really hard on my SG skis; really liking the SkiLogics again; fell today at speed on my Super G skis.
#justgivemeagroomer 1,207,957
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Day 46 - Killington
Ski Bum Race with makeup run from week 1. Out 9:00 to 4:00 with just two quick breaks in the Ski Club Building; clear and cold with a little wind out of the NW - temps in the twenties; 28 runs; 34,383 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers; lots of people, but no lift lines; plenty of people at Ski Bum though - waited 45 minutes for my first run and almost ½ hour for my second;
Race 1 - 10 151 MARTIN BURNS 25.47 (10) SM5 (2)
Race 2 - 13 151 MARTIN BURNS 26.10 (13) SM5 (4)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Day 45 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 3:45 with coffee at KBL and lunch in the Peak Lodge; clear and cold with little to no wind - well below 0° overnight, maybe 10° for a high today; 32 runs, 44,050 vertical; skied the 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; groomers; not many people; already hit a rock with the new skis.
#justgivemeagroomer 1,133,878
Monday, January 20, 2020
Day 44 - Killington
Last day with David and Mel. Out 8:00 to 2:30 with a quickie KBL coffee break and lunch at the condo; clear and cold with the tinyest bit of wind - temps in the single digits all day; 26 runs; 32,147 vertical skied the brand new 2019 Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; firming groomers; just David and I this morning - Mel went snowshoeing with the dog; just me the afternoon - Dave and Mel left at lunch;
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Day 43 - Killington
Dave and Mel Day 2. Out 8:00 to 4:00, albeit with a 4+hour lunch break at the condo; 4" of new snow overnight - clear, cold and windy today with temps in the single digits all day; 21 runs; 15,094 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; some real nice snow in the morning, but pretty skied out when Dave and I went back out at the end of the day; tons of people;
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Day 42 - Killington
Day 1 with Dave and Mel. Out 8:00 to 3:30 with coffee down at the Skyeship Base and a long lunch back at the condo; overcast with temps in the teens and little to no wind; 20 runs; 21,671 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; groomers; lots of people;
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Day 41 - Killington
Writing this 4 days later, so 21 runs, 24,359 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras.
#justgivemeagroomer 1,020,906
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Day 40 - Killington
Ski Bum Race. Out 9:15 to 4:00 with coffee and lunch breaks in the Ski Club Building; overcast and warm with very little wind again; 31 runs; 36,158 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 19's and the Blizzard Brahma #2's; frozen granular; plenty of people, but no lift lines.
26 151 MARTIN BURNS 30.15 (26) SM5 (5)
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Day 39 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 3:00 with coffee at Bear; overcast and warm with temps rising just above freezing - little or no wind; 26 runs; 40,526 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; frozen granular; a few people, but no lift lines; Bear Claw/Anti-Venom/Wildfire was good, everything else sucked; fucked up my skis today - they need to go to the shop; ski-in/ski-out today - finally.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Day 38 - Killington
Out 9:20 to 3:00 with lunch at Bear; overcast with temps rising toward freezing and a stout wind, especially up high; 25 runs, 40,570 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; granular on crust; very light crowd - not surprising given all the rain; Bear Claw/Anti-Venom/Wildfire was very good - everything else sucked.
#justgivemeagroomer 919,863
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Day 37 - Montage
Beer League Race #1. 29.08 (13) 22.51 hcp (Gold)
Temps in the low twenties with plenty of wind; 7 runs; 3,681 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; granular on crust.