Out 8:30 to 2:30 with coffee in KBL and lunch in the bar at Snowshed; mostly clear with temps rising toward freezing and a little wind; 32 runs; 40,754 vertical; skied the SkiLogic Customs; groomers; not too many people - never a lift line at SPE4 or NE4; Canyon chair closed; skis performed well again, even with a day old tune.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Day 36 - Killington
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Day 35 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 2:30 with coffee in KBL and lunch in the bar at Snowshed; mostly overcast with temps in the twenties and the tinyest bit of wind; 32 runs; 40,733 vertical; skied the SkiLogic Customs; groomers; not too many people out today; Upper Bear Claw was very good early; these skis performed well again today.
#justgivemeagroomer 834,858
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Day 34 - Killington
Out 8:15 to 2:00 with coffee in KBL and lunch in the bar at Snowshed; mostly clear with temps in the twenties and a strong breeze; 24 runs, 32,685 vertical; skied the SkiLogic Customs; groomers; huge crowd; feeling ok - skiing ok; first time on these skis since I broke my arm in November 2017; I'm not sure what my gripe was about these skis, because today they skied beautifully.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Day 33 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 1:00 with coffee in KBL; clear, warm and very windy; 24 runs, 31,726 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; groomers of various firmness's and a little snowmaking on Upper Skyeburst; huge crowd; East Fall and High Road were very good; got home and the Sunrise Triple was turning - maybe next weekend for ski-in/ski-out!
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Day 32 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 2:30 with lunch in the bar at Snowshed; mostly clear with temps rising toward freezing and a whole bunch of wind; 26 runs; 31,726 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; firm groomers; tons of people; skied with Bud and Tommy.
#justgivemeagroomer 729,714
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Day 31 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 3:00 with coffee at Bear and lunch in the bar at Snowshed; temps around 20° with increasing winds and clouds; 29 runs; 34,166 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm groomers; tons of people; skied with Bud and Tom; Bear opened today; spent way too much time waiting for Tommy this morning.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Day 30 - Killington
Out 11:00 to 2:30 with coffee in the Ski Club building; clear, cold and very windy - below 0° overnight, at or just above 0° today - winds 25 mph + all day; 13 runs; 16,869 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm, wind-blown groomers; very few people out; wind holds on several lifts; out late after one final morning of auto service in Rutland; I'll get my vertical, just not on days like today.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Day 29 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 3:00 with coffee at the Ski Club and lunch in the Peak Lodge; cold, dark and blustery today after 2" overnight - flurries all day - temps in the low-twenties, but the wind made it feel much colder; 25 runs; 29,862 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; groomers mostly; big crowd today - maybe everybody was getting this week's skiing in before it turns much colder tonight; High Road was very nice - did 4; didn't ski particularly well today, but then again I didn't put much effort into it either.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Day 28 - Killington
Out 11:30 to 4:00 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; snowing with temps steady around 20° and an increasing east wind - 4" of new snow by 4:00 PM; 22 runs; 26,800 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; new snow on firm groomers; good crowd, but never a lift line; nice day; out late after spending this AM in Rutland at the garage; 62.5% ahead of last year's vertical total on this date.
#justgivemeagroomer 617,072
Monday, December 16, 2019
Day 27 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 2:00 with a long coffee break in the Ski Club building; clear and cold with temps never much above 10° and quite a bit of wind up high; 22 runs; 25,235 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; firm groomers with chunks; today's snowmaking mostly directed at resurfacing on things like Chute, Bunny, Highline and East Fall; did most parts of the mountain that were open, including my first runs of the year on Needle's Eye; tore up the skis pretty badly today cutting too close to walkway at the corner of KBL.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Day 26 - Killiington
Out 9:00 to 4:00 with lunch in the Ski Club building; windy with an increasing overcast, intermittent snow and temps rising toward 30°; 30 runs; 29,062 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; various levels of firmness; skiing well; these skis rock.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Day 25 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 3:45 with a quickish lunch in the Ski Club building; mostly clear with temps never above the mid-teens and a little bit of wind; 31 runs; 28,223 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 19's; lots of skiing today - I made big laps down East Fall while waiting to race on Reason; 3 snowguns on the top of Lower East Fall made the entry delightful.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Day 24 - Killington
Race Camp Day 3. Out 9:00 to 3:30 with lunch in the Ski Club building; mostly sunny and cold with temps around 10° at the top and a rising wind; 24 runs; 20,638 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 19's; ice and firm groomers; skied pretty well given the conditions; Rick Svenser, "Don't squat over your skis on the ice. Get them out from underneath you where you can get them up on edge.";
#justgivemeagroomer 507,772
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Day 23 - Killington
Race Camp Day 2. Out 9:00 to 3:30 in the pouring rain; 18 runs, 19,047 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; soft wet snow everywhere; this morning we did quite a few runs through a cool course down the remnants of the terrain park on Reason; all my classmates wimped out this afternoon, so I did 7 Gondi runs by myself; Lower East Fall was stellar; Cascade was real good too - it was just too bumpy for a redo.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Day 22 - Killington
Race Camp Day 1. Out 9:00 to 3:00 with a long lunch reviewing video in KBL; temps rising well above freezing with rain starting in earnest around 11:00 - poor visibility; 22 runs; 19,779 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; soft, sticky snow everywhere; in John Pierce's group again this year with Roger, Andy, Ken, Bob, Cathy, Tim and Val
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Day 21 - Killington
Out 12:30 to 2:30 with David; a few clouds, temps in the twenties and a little wind; 11 runs; 12,231vertical; skied the 2012 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; groomers of varying firmness's; got to do the Superstar pod for the first time this year.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Day 20 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; snowing with no wind and temps warming into the twenties - 3" on my car in the Vale at the end of the day; 28 runs; 32,473 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 19's; packed powder and soft groomers; lots of people; good day even though I didn't ski particularly well.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Day 19 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; 2" overnight and snowing all morning - 4" total; this morning's snow gave way to a windy and cold afternoon as the temps dropped to 12° at the Peak by 2:30; 26 runs; 31,357 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; pow and packed pow all day; the Mantras skied very well again today; fell for the first time this season - I had sweat into my googles and couldn't see a god damn thing when I slipped on the icy bumps on the very top of Cascade Headwall; freshies on Header again this AM; freshies on Upper Chute too when they opened the Snowdon 6 late again and I was lucky enough to be like the fifth or sixth person up the lift when it opened; skied Conclusion for the first time this season too - dinged my skis a little in the process.
#justgivemeagroomer 403,604
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Day 18 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; temps in the twenties - most of the day spent in the K Cloud, but a little wind later moved the bottom of the cloud layer up the hill significantly; 29 runs; 32,776 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; packed pow and carvable groomers; other then the PSIA folks, not too many people out again today; skiing well; feeling good.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Day 17 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:15 with a coffee break in the Peak Lodge; another 4" overnight; clear with temps in the teens to start; NW wind really picked up as the day wore on; 23 runs; 25,853 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; powder, packed powder, and soft groomers; other than the PSIA Pro Jam groups, not many folks on the hill; the Mantras skied very well today; freshies on Header this morning; left of the rope on Upper Bunny was pretty good too - pictures below.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Day 16 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; 4" of new snow overnight; snowing and windy with temps in the low twenties; 24 runs, 27,723 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's; wind blown pow and mainly soft groomers - all wind exposed ridges were scoured clean; fairly light crowd given the new snow and proximity to the big World Cup weekend; my right calf and Achilles were a little tight today; skied lots of stuff for the first time this season - FIS, Upper Ridge Run, Vagabond, Frolic; Full House; have hopefully fixed the fit issues with the Nordica Doberman Pro 130's from 2017; first day of the year with Max Speed < 40 mph.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Day 15 - Killington
Out 8:00 to 12:30 with coffee and a muffin in KBL; mostly sunny with temps in the twenties and a pretty good wind, especially up high; 16 runs; 19,975 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; groomers; huge crowd - tons of lift stoppages; Snowdon 6 not online at 8:00 again.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Day 14 - Killington
Out 12:15 to 3:45 without a break; thunder, lightning, and a hard rain overnight ended as 4" of new snow up high and 2" of frozen crust on my car at the condo; overcast with temps in the twenties with a stiff North Wind; 17 runs, 20,538 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; velvety softness or polished clean; Upper Bunny and Upper Caper - velvety softness; Lower East Fall and Lower Chute - polished clean; thankful for my late start today - got first tracks on Ramshead as the lift opened for the day just as I arrived; lots of people - lots of beginners; the Mantras worked well today; got cold feet and had to stop a little early.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Day 13 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch in the car watching the World Cup women train Skyelark; warm, overcast and breezy; 21 runs; 24,462 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft snow everywhere; big crowd, again; Upper Bunny was good, again; Lower East Fall got it's first groom, so it was pretty good; with the warm temps even Downdraft Headwall was worth a second run; tired - 10 days straight.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Day 12 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; temps in the forties with plenty of sun and wind; 28 runs; 30,693 vertical; skied the Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti's; soft snow everywhere; good crowd, but never much of a lift line; skiing ok; did several runs skier's right on Upper Chute dodging the snowmaking clumps that fell off the trees - didn't displace a single one.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Day 11 - Killington
World Cup Week Day 1. Out 9:20 to 2:30 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; temps rising in the mid-thirties with a persistent K Cloud up high and the tinyest bit of wind; 28 runs; 28,976 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; groomers; lots of people; watched Katharina Leinsberger ski Middle Chute 4 times from the chair, I even stopped on top of the Bunny Tunnel to watch and she tucked out the top of Upper Chute and stopped right next to me - she had GS skis on, so very smooth and very fast.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Day 10 - Killington
Out with Aaron and Chris from 9:00 to noon with a leisurely, hour long coffee break in the Peak Lodge; this morning's snow started as a little freezing rain overnight - 30° and snowing hard all day - 3" and still snowing as I write this at 2:30; 10 runs; 9,824 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's; groomers with fresh snow; lots of people on the hill - went in early for coffee when there was a big line on Northridge; Mouse Run and Lower Rim Run were stellar.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Day 9 - Killington
Out with Chris and Aaron, 9:15 to 11:30 with a nice long coffee break in the Peak Lodge to finish off my morning; clear and windy, temps around 20°; 7 runs; 8,595 vertical; skied the 2012 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; groomers; best snow was Upper Bunny, but only got to do it once because the 6 was on wind hold and the guys kept wanting to ride the box instead of the triple - I hate Great Northern.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Day 8 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 11:00, no break; 40°, rainy and windy; 10 runs; 12,000 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft snow everywhere, but I really just stuck to the Bubble till I got wet and went home.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Day 7 - Killington
Out 9:10 to 1:45 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; temps right at freezing, no wind, temperature and cloud inversion today; 26 runs; 25,099 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; firm groomers with some chucks on Lower Chute and Bunny; Mouse Run and Upper Bunny were very good; lots and lots of people out, but never much of a liftline; skied ok; feeling ok.
#justgivemeagroomer 130,044
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Day 6 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 1:30 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; 32° and overcast with light snow; 21 runs, 20,000 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; carvable groomers with some chunks; plenty of people; skiing ok; feeling ok, although the newer Nordica Doberman Pro 130's still hurt my right heel; 6 days, 6 skis - I need to do skis tonight.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Day 5 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 12:30 with a coffee break in KBL; rain and snow overnight - 1" of slush on the car this AM; 32° and snowing all day - 3" of slop total; 14 runs; 16,082 vertical; skied the Line Supernatural 108's; soft snow on softening man-made; not too many people other than the KMS kids; right ski for the conditions today; used the newer Nordica Doberman Pro 130's today; skied ok; a little tired in the heavy snow.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Day 4 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 1:00 with a quick coffee break in the K-1 Lodge; overcast with temps around freezing - occasional freezing fog; 21 runs; 22,826 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; carvable groomers; good crowd - no lines but lots of folks on the hill; skied a little better today; feeling pretty good physically too.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Day 3 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 1:15 with a Peak Lodge coffee break; despite the warmer temps, mid-twenties, the increasing overcast and stiff wind made for a cold day; chunky monkey on most of the main groomers - I think they were trying to get some air into the base for this weekend; 22 runs; 17,486 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; not too crowded today; feeling ok, but not skiing exceptionally well.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Day 2 - Killington
Day 2 with Uncle Bob and Rich. Out 9:00 to 2:00 with a nice long lunch in the Peak Lodge; cold, overcast and breezy to start, light snow with a couple of inches on the ground when we left; temps in the mid-teens all day; 15 runs; 16,443 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; carvable groomers that soften nicely with the new snow; fairly large crowd, but with the Snowdon Triple running people spread out pretty quickly; feeling okay other than the standard early season shinbone tenderness.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Day 1 - Killington
After nearly a week of refusing to walk down the stairs, 3 days in Ohio at a wedding and 2 days of auto repair I finally made it out for Day 1. Out 9:45 to 1:30 with a long coffee break in the Peak Lodge; fortunate to have Uncle Bob visiting, so I skied with him and his friend Rich today; sunny and cold with the tinyest of breezes - 0° overnight, 10° this afternoon; 15 runs, 12,108 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; firm groomers with some good snowmaking on Mouse Trap; skied ok - hoping to pick things up a little tomorrow; fairly big crowd this morning, but almost empty this afternoon; good start to the season.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Day 120 - Killington
My first June day ever. Out 8:30 to 11:00 with a break back at Chris' truck; warm with a heavy overcast - luckily no wind or rain; 7 runs; 8,393 vertical; skied the Rossignol Experience 98's; huge crowd; drove up last night with Radvanyi; no walking required for the first couple of runs - I brought rock skis so rather than walk, I just skied through all the rocks at the top; well worth the effort getting a June day.
Season Totals:
120 days
1,703 runs
2,001,354 vertical feet skied
14.2 runs/day
16,678 vertical/day
Friday, April 26, 2019
Day 119 - Killington
5 runs; 5,995 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Day 118 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 12:30 with coffee in KBL; 14 runs; 17,250 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's;
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Day 117 - Killington
Out till it rained with Chris. Out 8:00 to noon with a coffee break in KBL; cloudy, windy and rainy; 18 runs; 21,950 vertical;
Friday, April 19, 2019
Day 116 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 1:15 with a break in the Peak Lodge; cloudy and warm with temps in the sixties and some wind; 19 runs; 23,200 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; glacial ice, corn or snirt; good sized crowd; skied with Chris; Supe and Ovation were the only things worth skiing.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Day 115 - Killington
Mostly cloudy with temps around fifty and some wind; 12 runs; 14,800 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; Superstar Pod only today - wind hold on everything else.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Day 114 - Killington
Too crowded to stay too long. Out 9:45 to 11:15; sunny with temps in the forties and little to no wind; 9 runs 11,000 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; chunks and mush most of the places they groomed; huge crowd - everybody's concentrated back on just four lifts.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Day 113 - Killington
Only out for an hour and a half this afternoon after I severely underdressed; 2" overnight - cloudy and windy today with temps around forty; 6 runs; 7,500 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; last night's snow helped; still sick - I'm fine at home but as soon as I start skiing and exerting any effort I start coughing again.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Day 112 - Killington
Out 2:30 to 4:00; 2" of rain last night; rain changing to snow this afternoon; 9 runs; 11,533 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; various forms of slush, mud, moonscape, dirt, debris and running water.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Day 111 - Killington
Although I was feeling poorly yesterday, today I was really sick. Out 11:45 to 1:30, no break; overcast and windy with temps in the 30's; 8 runs, 11,172 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; without a freeze overnight things were very heavy today - it wasn't really that wet, so I'm thinking that being sick I just didn't have my usual pep to power through it; Double Dipper and Downdraft were both good.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Day 110 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:45 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; sunny and mild with a little wind - temps in the thirties; 28 runs; 35,092 vertical; anything steep was nice and firm - all the others were nice early, then a little heavy; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; a few more people out today; lots of good stuff today - Skyefire, Needles, Downdraft, Double Dipper; rare event today - all 4 in the Canyon groomed and the Quad running.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Day 109 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 2:45 with coffee in KBL and lunch in the Peak Lodge; yesterday's rain ended as 2" of snow; overcast with temps just below freezing and a little wind; 22 runs; 28,167 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; firm groomers and some nice dust on crust, especially up high; very few other people out today; Rime was very good; North Ridge Triple disassemble well under way.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Day 108 - Killington
Out 11:00 to 3:00 with lunch at KBL; temps in the thirties with lots of fog; 15 runs; 23,000 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; groomed slush or frozen sleet; nobody else out; Downdraft was very, very good; the Pump Track on the run-in to Dreamaker was closed after some tourist unknowingly skied off the edge in the fog into the halfpipe and hurt themselves.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Day 107 - Killington
Officially a member of The 100 Club. Out 8:00 to 3:15 with lunch at the condo; diminishing overcast and warm with temps in the fifties and little to no wind; 30 runs; 35,604 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft, wet, sticky snow on anything flat - shaved ice on anything steep; big crowd to my eye, but probably just a normal April weekend crowd for the unspoiled; skiing with David again for a couple of days; Ovation, Double Dipper, and Downdraft were all really good today; a very sad day today - it was the last day of the season for the Sunrise Triple, so I no longer have ski-in/ski-out access.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Day 106 - Killington
And so ends 19 straight days. Out 9:00 to 2:30 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; 20° overnight - increasing overcast and 'cold' all day with temps never getting much above freezing - very light winds; 26 runs; 36,176 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm groomers; just the right amount of people - enough to keep the place open, but too few to create a lift line; Upper Bunny Buster was very good; ducked the rope and skied Lower Ovation this afternoon; 3 day vertical total: 110,400 - 5 day vertical total: 185,364 - 7 day vertical total: 222,025 - 14 day vertical total: 398,505 - 19 day vertical total: 509,619; ok, this is an actual run down Skye to Bear: Stash Way-Gateway-Bear Trax-Snowshed Crossover-Shorty-Bear Claw-Skyeburst-Dreamaker.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Day 105 - Killington
Another big day. Out 9:00 to 3:45 with lunch at the condo; cold overnight and clear, cold and windy today - temps never made out of the twenties; 31 runs; 41,392 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm groomers mainly - a little corn on Bear - some chunks elsewhere; a few people out today; Skyeburst/Grizzly was divine before lunch; SPE4 broke down this afternoon, so I was finally forced to ski something other than Bear; so I get to Needles and the Quad is running, but Panic Button/Needles Eye was closed?
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Day 104 - Killington
Out 9:15 to 3:15 with lunch at the condo; cold enough over night to firm things up nicely - mid-thirties today, clear and cold this morning, windy and cloudy with a snow flurry this afternoon; 23 runs, 32,832 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; smooth groomers softening all day; very few people out; Pump Track on the way to Grizzly and skier's right on Bear Claw from the SPE4.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Day 103 - Killington
Big day. Out 9:00 to 4:00 with lunch at the condo; overnight temps in the teens slowly rose into the thirties this afternoon - sunny and a little windy; 30 runs; 42,926 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; firm AM conditions gave way to soft spring corn by the afternoon; very few people out;
Monday, April 1, 2019
Day 102 - Killington
Out 10:00 to 4:00 with lunch at the condo; 2" overnight - cold and windy today with clearing skies - temps in the twenties; 22 runs; 32,088 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; to give the snow a chance to dry out they groomed very late this morning - that and the new snow had things looking and skiing pretty well today; not many people out; despite the cold temps overnight nothing really froze solid - but things did continue to firm all day; got to do OL 3 more times; a little late to the hill this morning when Sunrise and the south side of Bear were closed till 9:30 for on-going grooming; looking up and down OL.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Day 101 - Killington
AM session before the rain. Out 8:00 to 9:30, no break; sunny and windy to start with temps around 45°, then the clouds rolled in and the rain started at 9:30, so I left; 8 runs; 10,650 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft, soft, soft; OL was divine - groomed flat with oodles of corn - I did 7; +15 on skis this morning, just 4 more to do!
PM session after the rain. Out 2:30 to 4:00, no break; cloudy and windy with temps around 45°; 7 runs; 9,500 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; still super soft; OL was still divine - did 5 more, but this time from the SPE4.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Day 100 - Killington
Out 10:30 to 1:15, no breaks; put the rain gear on, but it never rained; various levels of fogginess with temps in the forties and a little wind up high; 14 runs; 16,548 vertical; soft and wet; ran away and hid in the Canyon, so no real crowd; Downdraft was good again so I did 7; only rode 1 high speed lift all day and today's total vertical shows it.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Day 99 - Killington
Out 10 to 1 with no break; light rain developing by 11 - temps in the low forties - cloud layer dropping all day - down to the top of Skye when I left; 16 runs, 21,098 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #1's; soft snow everywhere - a little sticky, but not too bad; nobody else out; Downdraft and Ovation were very, very good; late start today - the Sunrise Triple didn't run, so I had to drive to Bear.
Pictures taken last Saturday.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Day 98 - Killington
Out 9:00 to noon, no break; another bluebird day - sunny and warm, but there was a little wind; 15 runs; 21,500 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's, groomers; a few people on the hill, but generally just ski right on; Dip Dip was very good, i.e. groomed; Ovation wasn't bad either, despite the 200 ft. ice fall on the lower face; skiing the SG skis has been fun; passed 1.5 million vertical feet skied this season; Killington's website giving out misinformation yet again - fail!
Picture taken last Sunday.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Day 97 - Killington
Out 9:00 to 3:00 with lunch at the condo; sunny with temps in the lower thirties and no wind - another spectacular day; 24 runs, 33,498 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's and the Volkl Mantras; groomers - a little heavy snow on maybe the bottom ¼ of Bear by the end of the day; there were a few people out today; more than 100,000 vertical in the past 3 days; new high max speed for the season - see below; the Mantras really worked well in the heavy, soft snow; still lots of stuff closed - OL and Dip Dip for example; a little late to the hill this morning when Sunrise and the south side of Bear were closed till 9:30 for on-going grooming.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Day 96 - Killington
Out 9:30 to 3:15 with a long lunch back at the condo; sunny with temps in the twenties and a little wind; 25 runs, 35,944 vertical; skied the Head i.SG RD's and the Volkl Mantras; groomers; not very many people out; first time this year on the Head i.SG RD's; also the first time this year I've gone 30k+ back to back; 2 different groomers outside the condo this morning?
Monday, March 25, 2019
Day 95 - Killington
Out 11:00 to 4:00 with lunch in the Peak Lodge; sunny with temps in the twenties and a little wind; 24 runs; 33,648 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; groomers; very few people out today.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Day 94 - Killington
Radvanyis Day 3. Out 8:00 to 12:00 with a coffee break in the KBL; sunny with temps rising into the thirties - a spectacular day except for the relentless wind; 14 runs; 16,276 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; some good groomers, but unfortunately they were not as soft as I was hoping for because the wind scoured any soft, loose snow into the trees; HUGE crowd; Old Superstar was very good; today's picture is of Trevor hitting one of the rails in the Woodward Peace Park on Dreamaker.
Added a few of me
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Day 93 - Killington
Radvanyis Day 2. Out 8:00 to 12:00 with a coffee break in the KBL; a little disappointed that we didn't get more than the 3" that fell overnight - last night's forecast and radar looked oh so promising, but c'est la vie; very windy today with temps rising into the twenties; 12 runs; 14,544 vertical; skied the Line SuperNatural 108's; powder, packed powder; huge Saturday crowd; Escapade/Flume was pretty good.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Day 92 - Killington
Out with the Radvanyis. Out 9:00 to 2:00 o'clock or so with a KBL coffee break; 3-4" this morning before the lifts opened and another 3-4" during the day - still snowing; temps in ther upper twenties and thankfully not as much wind as they were forecasting; 17 runs; 22,300 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; powder and packed powder, although some of the steeper stuff got a little scrapped off by the time I quit; lots of people.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Day 91 - Killington
Another great day. Out 11:45 to 4:00 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; growing overcast with temps just above freezing and a stiff wind blowing in weather from the southwest; 19 runs; 28,750 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; corn, corn, corn; nobody out today - only rode the chair or box with someone else a few times; Outer Limits and Dip Dip were marvelous; did 8 on OL, but only 4 on Dip Dip - I just ran out of time.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Day 90 - Killington
Great day on the hill. Out 9:30 to 2:00 with lunch at the Peak Lodge; mostly sunny skies with temps just above freezing and a little wind; 21 runs, 28,000 vertical; skied the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's; firm groomers softening quickly in the sun; lots of people for a Wednesday; plenty of great choices today - Outer Limits, Double Dipper, Downdraft and Superstar were all groomed; Canyon Quad running mid-week and Dip Dip groomed - priceless; skier's left of Tower 4 on the lower pitch of Superstar was noteworthy - they did an excellent job grooming the side of the glacier there; Ovation still closed after last weekend's rain/freeze.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Day 89 - Killington
Skied with Tad and Manford. Out for a couple of hours this AM; Clouds and sun with temps in the twenties and a little wind - another dusting of snow overnight; 11 runs; 13,800 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; firm groomers; trying to catch up on doing skis - I'm currently at +5 - I've done 2 pair each of the last 4 days and am hoping to continue the streak indefinitely.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Day 88 - Killington
Chilly despite temps around twenty and a good deal of sun today - another dusting of snow overnight; 13 runs; 18,250 vertical; skied the Blizzard Brahma #2's; firm groomers; lots of runs still closed after this weekend's rain-freeze cycle.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Day 87 - Killington
Out till it started raining - 11:00 o'clock; a little rain overnight, but just cloudy and windy this morning - temp around fifty; 9 runs; 12,600 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; soft, but much less sticky than yesterday; didn't ride the chair with anybody all morning; right knee is hurting.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Day 86 - Killington
Officially the stickiest day ever. Out 1:45 to 4:15, no break; 2" of glue overnight; clearing skies today with temps in the forties and no wind; 9 runs; 13,000 vertical; skied the 2012 Volkl RaceTiger SL World Cups; soft sticky snow everywhere - I almost had to walk down Sun Dog; the only lift lines were when the chair stopped, which it seemed to do a lot today; Bear Claw-Anti Venom-Wildfire all day; the pictures are the Sunrise Condo Association's groomer working outside the condo this evening.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Day 85 - Killington
Out for a morning and an afternoon session; building overcast with temps around freezing and no wind; 15 runs; 19,600 vertical; started on the Rossignol Avenger 76 Ti's - I wanted to start on a putt putt ski this am given yesterday's incident with my right knee - everything was fine, so I changed to the Head i.Speed GS Cheater 17's for the afternoon; firming groomers; fair number of people this morning, but almost empty this afternoon; the last 3 on Stashway-BearClaw-Sunburst were very good - not sure if it was the snow or lack of people.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Day 84 - Killington
Surprise snow! Only able to make a few runs after I tweaked my knee; 5-7" overnight when we only expected some snow showers - decreasing wind and snow all morning with a peak or two of sunshine as I departed; 6 runs; 7,000 vertical; powder and baby soft groomers with a frosting of new snow; skied the Line Supernatural 108's; a pretty good crowd as you'd expect with new snow overnight.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Day 83 - Killington
Out with David and Melanie for the morning before they head home this afternoon; a couple of inches overnight - temps in the twenties with some light snow falling - not near as much wind as yesterday; 10 runs; 13,250 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; soft groomers; the picture is of David and Melanie at the end of 9:00 AM rush at Sunrise this morning.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Day 82 - Killington
Just David and I this morning. Out 8:00 to 3:00 with an extremely long lunch break at the condo; very windy with a little snow overnight; overcast and very windy today with snow and freezing mist - most lifts didn't open because of the wind, SPE4 was running so we just stuck to Bear; 18 runs; 20,400 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras;
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Day 81 - Killington
Bluebird Day 2 with Dave and Mel. Out early, then quit when the crowd got to big; sunny and warm; 10 runs; 12,500 vertical; skied the Atomic D2 3.0 Race GS's; mostly firm groomers;
Friday, March 8, 2019
Day 80 - Killington
Bluebird with David and Melanie Day 1. Out open to close, albeit with an extremely long lunch break at the condo; warm and sunny; 21 runs; 25,666 vertical; soft groomers; skied the Volkl Mantras.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Day 79 - Killington
Out at noon and back in for more clothes at 1:15; in and out clouds with temps in the teens and the tinyest bit of wind; 14 runs; 16,500 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; 3f.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Day 78 - Killington
Out 1:00 to 2:30 just to get the day; overcast with temps in the twenties and no wind; 7 runs; 7,500 vertical; skied the Fischer RC4 GS Cheater 18's; rock hard, weekend beat down groomers.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Day 77 - Killington
Out with Lee and Tony. Out 9:00 to 4:00 with coffee and lunch breaks; sunny with comfortable temps in the upper teens and no wind; groomers; 20 runs; 22,250 vertical; skied the Volkl Mantras; very nice day.
